
Permit for the operation of the crane

Overhead cranes are devices with a wide range of applications - they can be used to move loads in warehouses, industrial halls, landfills, also in shipyards. The specificity of the works carried out with their use determines the type of cranes used, which mainly include gantry and bridge cranes.

Before starting work, each crane must have an operating permit. For this purpose, it should be reported to the branch of the Office of Technical Inspection. Before the permit is issued, the correctness of the crane installation and the possibility of handing it over for safe use are analyzed.

A safe working environment for the crane is very important - it must be installed in a suitable place that does not pose a threat to the safety of the operator and bystanders. Correct installation of the crane is also crucial, followed by post-assembly tests and electrical measurements. It also needs to be properly maintained and operated - regular inspections are also required. The inspector performs periodic tests to assess the current technical condition.

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