Mobile platforms

We invite you to the mobile platform course at our KURSO center. Thanks to us, you will receive appropriate preparation to work as an operator of this type of equipment, which will be confirmed by obtaining the UDT license.

Currently, devices such as mobile platforms, including mobile access platforms, are very often used in construction, assembly, finishing and other types of work at height. Having a license for mobile platforms is therefore a big plus - thanks to such a certificate, you can apply for a well-paid job.

We offer our clients the following classes:

  • IP - slow-moving scissor lifts, self-propelled basket lifts, mobile mounted to vehicles
  • II P - suspended, stationary and mast platforms

Our classes meet the current requirements of the Office of Technical Inspection, which means that after their completion you can take the exam and obtain a certificate. Our instructors always provide professional support - they will ensure that you receive the extensive knowledge required as an operator.

The following issues are discussed during the classes:

  • mobile platform - structure and types
  • technical supervision of the device
  • operator's duties - before starting work, during and after work
  • principles of occupational health and safety

In addition, during the classes, practical exercises are conducted that are in accordance with the requirements of the Office of Technical Inspection - thanks to this, you can get the qualifications for increases even easier.

To enroll in the course the following are required:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • at least primary education
  • no health contraindications to work in the position
We would like to invite you to familiarise yourself with the schedule of our courses on mobile platforms. We organise the course mainly in Warsaw, but also in other cities in Poland according to the wishes of our clients. Should you have any questions, we are at your service - please also contact us to arrange details of our closed training courses.

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