Explosion risk assessment

Explosion hazards can arise in many different work environments. When an explosive mixture and an ignition source appear, the result is a dangerous explosion and fire. In order to determine in which cases such a risk exists, an explosion risk assessment is performed.

The Ordinance of the Minister of Interior and Administration of June 7, 2010 on fire protection of buildings, other structures and areas (Journal of Laws of June 22, 2010) indicates in which cases it is necessary to assess the risk of explosion.

When is an explosion risk assessment necessary?

Paragraph 37, paragraph 1 of the ordinance stipulates that "In the facilities and adjacent areas, where technological processes are carried out with the use of materials that can generate explosive mixtures or in which such materials are stored, an explosion risk assessment shall be performed".

As indicated in the regulations, the explosion risk assessment must include the identification of potentially explosive areas, the determination of explosion hazard zones and the development of appropriate graphic documentation along with the determination of factors that may cause ignition.

According to the PN-EN 1127-1 standard, there are the following types of ignition sources:

  • adiabatic compression and shock waves
  • static electricity
  • radio frequency electromagnetic waves from 104 Hz to 3 × 1015 Hz
  • electromagnetic waves from 3 × 1011 Hz to 3 × 1015 Hz
  • hot surfaces
  • mechanically generated sparks
  • flames and hot gases
  • stray currents, cathodic corrosion protection
  • ionizing radiation
  • exothermic reactions including dust self-ignition
  • Thunder Strike
  • ultrasounds
  • electrical appliances

Explosion risk assessment versus analysis and assessment of explosion risk

The obligation to carry out an explosion risk assessment applies to designers, investors or employers or other users who decide on the course of the technological process.

The explosion risk assessment can be used to perform the analysis and assessment of the explosion risk, which results from the ATEX Users Directive 137 and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 8 July 2010 on the minimum requirements for occupational health and safety related to the possibility of an atmosphere in the workplace. explosive (Journal of Laws of 30 July 2010).

Explosion risk analysis and assessment is of great importance when submitting documents for obtaining a building permit.

If you have additional questions related to the assessment of the explosion hazard, please contact us.

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