Assembly of flange connections - training
The increasing popularity of heat pumps in private homes and industry has created a greater demand for flange fitters. Leak-tightness in plumbing systems is a priority, which is why skilled workers who make or supervise the installation of flange connections are in urgent demand on the job market. Technicians who make or maintain flanged connections and carry out pressure tests or validate valves are required to have qualifications confirmed by the relevant UDT certificate. If you would like to become certified in this area, we encourage you to enrol in our course, which will open up new career opportunities and help you to secure a well-paid job.
Knowledge gained during the course
Our training enables you to acquire factual knowledge and practical skills for the proper installation and safe operation of pressure equipment. During the theoretical part of the course, you will mainly learn about:
- types of flange connections;
- types and characteristics of seals;
- screw classes;
- functionality of seals;
- stages of work on the sealing surface;
- possible bolt loads;
- intensities on seals;
- the most common causes of technical faults and failures;
- the causes of stress in joints and their consequences;
- how to dismantle the connections safely;
- types and use of torque spanners;
- construction, operation, maintenance and proper use of torque multipliers;
- evaluation methods for in-service flange connections;
- health and safety rules.
In the practical part, however, you will learn about:
- installation of flange connections;
- workplace inspections;
- selection and inspection of seals;
- the order in which the activities are performed;
- carrying out leakage tests on connections.

Assembly of flange connections
The connection of two flanges by bolts and gasket occurs in the assembly:
- cast iron pipes with fittings;
- steel pipes;
- PVC pipes;
- PEHD pipes.
Advantages of flanged connections
Among the most important advantages of flanged connections is the high tightness of the connection, which guarantees reliability and safety. Another advantage of flanged connections is the rigidity of the components used, which protects the structure from potential damage and bending.
Particularly important parameters when using flanged connections
To ensure the long-lasting operation of tanks and pipelines, the quality of the flanged connections must be ensured. The reliability and tightness of the connections is determined by the precision and accuracy of the fitters. With the aim of educating future fitters, we have developed a training course related to the supervision and installation of flange connections, which includes all the necessary actions of an employee before, during and after working with this equipment.
When working, the technician should keep the following in mind in particular:
- safety of people working in the vicinity of the connection;
- the likelihood of an explosion, fire or contamination;
- financial losses due to plant downtime.
Proper maintenance of joints minimises the possibility of leaks and increases the safe operation of networks and pressure equipment. The fitter should also have knowledge of how to correctly select components that will guarantee quality connections.
Flange connection components: |
Equipment | Spare parts |
bolts with nuts | sealing rings |
pads | clamping rings |
insulation | O-ring seals |
Training price
The cost of group training for companies depends on the number of people registered and the length of the course. Contact our consultant for details offers.
- at least 18 years of age;
- minimum primary education;
- a health certificate from an occupational physician that you are in good health and able to work as a flange fitter.

Why take advantage of our training offer?
A defectively fitted flange connection gasket in a transmission system (e.g. for hydrogen), can cause enormous damage to a company, as life and health are likely to be endangered in such a situation. Under the influence of high temperatures, steel becomes ductile - in which case the operation of the equipment must be stopped in order to make repairs. The downtime at the workplace generates considerable costs. An additional complication is that the repair of the connection requires re-approval by the Technical Inspection Authority. So if you do not want to expose your company to losses, trust us and invest in professional training for your employees. Each participant who passes the state examination is awarded a certificate - the qualifications obtained are valid for 5 years. We organise courses at our premises, but we meet our clients' expectations and we also conduct training courses at a location indicated by you by prior arrangement. In the case of organised groups, it is possible to adapt the programme according to the individual needs of the client.
Why is it worth training with us?
- We have many years of experience in preparing specialists for all industries;
- Our training staff is made up of professionals and qualified employees of major companies dealing specifically with flange connections;
- we have a high exam pass rate.
If you have any questions about our offer please contact us - our staff will be happy to help you clear up any doubts. We encourage you to make use of our services.