HAZOP training

We invite you to HAZOP training focused on the analysis of threats and operational capabilities. The aim of participation in the training is to familiarize its participants with the technique and tools that are used in this risk analysis.

The training is aimed at specialists and inspectors for health and safety, safety managers, engineers and managerial staff.

What is HAZOP?

HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Studies) is an analysis of threats and operational capabilities. It focuses on detecting all potential threats and operational difficulties that result from deviations from the design assumptions. Most often, this analysis is used in the case of examining new and existing installations, and is also applied to objects.

The HAZOP analysis mainly includes gathering relevant information on the subject of the study, conducting the analysis, analyzing the results and preparing the final report. This analysis uses keyword systems that form the basis for the evaluation of specific nodes (process units or unit operations) along with their parameters.

Knowledge of conducting the HAZOP analysis allows for the precise determination of the risk and its reduction, which is why it is now widely used in the study of designed and existing facilities. The HAZOP training we offer allows you to obtain detailed information about the presented method of risk analysis.

Training topics:

  • admission to HAZOP
  • principles, strategies and examples of HAZOP analysis
  • hazard identification techniques
  • preliminary threat analysis
  • risk assessment and safety barriers
  • review of accidents, breakdowns and near misses
  • exercises on sample process diagrams

If you have any additional questions regarding training at HAZOP, we remain at your disposal. We invite you to use ours offers in Kurso!

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