
Powers for welding

Appropriate permissions are required to operate the devices intended for welding. To obtain them, you must take a course on the correct type of welding - below we present the classes available in this field.

Permissions can be obtained in the following areas:

  • butt welding with a heating element (HS)
  • socket welding (polyfusion) with a heating element (HMS)
  • electrofusion welding (HM)
  • butt, muff and electrofusion welding (BUG Gazobudowa qualifications) (HS + HM + HMS)
  • butt and electrofusion welding (authorizations of the Office of Technical Inspection) (HS + HM)
  • for people supervising the welding of thermoplastics (HS + HM + HMS)

Classes are theoretical and practical. After their completion, participants take the exam before the committee of the Office of Technical Inspection or other industry institution, and after passing it, they receive documents confirming the acquired qualifications.

The theoretical knowledge exam is conducted as an oral theoretical exam, as defined in Art. 22 sec. 2 of the Act of December 21, 2000 on technical supervision, and also as a practical one, which consists in checking the student's skills in the operation and maintenance of devices intended for welding.

The sealer certificate is valid for a period of 2 years. In order to renew professional qualifications, the employee must take a verification examination.

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